Can physical rehabilitation help patients who have undergone surgery or experienced a traumatic injury, such as fractures? What are the benefits of starting rehabilitation early? These are some of the questions we aim to answer in this article. We'll be sharing the...
The Importance of Treating Our Patients With Empathy and Good Bedside Manners
Is having good bedside manners important? We think it is. And that's why we treat all our patients with the empathy, respect, compassion, and understanding they deserve. By empathising with our patients, we are able to build trust with them. And when people trust us...
Virtual physiotherapy assessment to treat your pain – a case study
Are you experiencing consistent pain that stops you from your daily activities? Have you tried physio before but nothing seems to be working? Then the causes of your pain might have been missed, which means you're not accessing the right treatment. In this blog post,...
Mobility for playing golf
As well as football, golf is another passion of mine, which I play regularly. I recently had a lesson with a golf professional where he analysed my movement through my swing. As you can see in this video, he gave me a warmup drill. And that had 2 aims: It would...
How Old Injuries can Affect the Way You Move
I recently shared my marathon experience where I talked about how a calf injury affected my training. To expand on that, I'd like to explain how old injuries can affect your joints and the way you move and why it's important to address them and never ignore them. Our...